Tuesday, October 27, 2015

ATHEISTS DON'T STAND A PRAYER pictures included!

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Be sure to forward this to your email list and use the social network above that I have placed here os we can get the word out to concerned Americans, if you are not concerned about your country and its future then just pass this up and good luck to you and your!!!

Atheists want to kill Christians, they want us dead!!  I know that is a bold statement that will get people to wonder why I would say that!  Facts are facts and they want us dead!   I recently went on a few websites for atheists and they all had on their posts that they want to destroy Christians!!!  

Webster's dictionary defines destroy as to "KILL"!!  Once again I reiterate that atheists want Christians dead!!!  OK you say  you are good with that well how is this atheists support Islam in America, why??  Because they may not have the KAHUNAS to murder Christians but they know that these parasites from hell have the guts and the backing of their book of evil called the Koran!!

I have been attacked by these nefarious brain dead heathens some even claim to have an I.Q. as high as 140 and to me that is really troublesome, why?  Because anyone with that high of an I.Q should be able to rationalize the reality that you cannot create something out of nothing to create a universe, an earth and a whole planet of living creatures out of nothing!  How stupid, now do you see why I am troubled when someone says they have a high I.Q. and act so stupid!

There are many atheists that claim the bible is only a good history book trying of course to deny the existence of a god named Yahweh and Jesus the known son of god!!  So for the moment we will accept that the bible is a good history book, after all we need to account for the reality of this and know that there is a record of this history!!

I have had some atheists call the bible a fairy tale!  Wow!!!  How do you like that from a heathen? A  fairy tale!!  Truly an intelligent response from these heathens, NOT!  If these so called intelligent monkeys let's face it that is where they think they came from while those of us Christians and Jews believe we came from a creator called Yahweh, this is just to put things in their proper prospectus!!

So here we have illusionists portraying intellectual monkeys, rather evolved from monkeys, that they have not educated themselves to the reality that is creation!!  Let's go back to the beginning! First there was a prophet called Enoch from him all the way to Jesus was many thousands of years, how many years? 

Note there are two Enoch's, one after Able and the other after Noah so we are speaking of the first Enoch so as not to confuse heathens who are unable to understand the reality of Yahweh!  From Enoch to Jesus there were many thousands of years, it is estimated that from Able to the current day was about 210 thousand years, so it was a long time from Enoch to Jesus.

Now the proof is in the pudding as the saying goes, so the books of the prophets are a long time in the writing atheists claim that the bible is a fairy tale and we have been duped by deceivers! Really?  Let's see how that works when we count the many hundreds of prophets who wrote the books of the bible, then show how many knew each other here on earth, and they conspired to fool mankind into believing a god that was not in existence!!!

OK, do you see what I see?  many Prophets in existence from Enoch to Jesus, how can they create an illusion of a so called god when there is a god named Yahweh!!!  Are you seeing the reality here?  The fact remains that the Bible is more than a history book, it is a compilation of many books that were in fact created by the creator for mankind, a sort of operations manual! 

I think the joke is on the atheists and those who do not believe in Yahweh and Jesus!!!  When Jesus spoke to god at the river Jordan when John the Baptist was baptising him there were hundreds of people who witnessed his speaking with Yahweh so if those who claim the bible is an excellent history book then you have your first clue there is a god named Yahweh!!!

The bible clearly states that Jesus spoke with his father and that the people who were being baptised were able to see and hear this conversation so this history book the bible is a good thing for those who are brain dead,  this is your clue to wake up!!!!

Like I stated above that atheists are supportive of Muslims because they both hate Christians, plus they want to murder christians for what purpose the atheists are so hateful of Christians I am not sure of however with the Muslims they hate Christians because their book of evil known as the Koran written by Mohammed and narrated by Satan  thus making these parasites the worshippers of Satan!!!!

This is your wake up call America!!!

Aren't these parasites so wonderful, and you want to know why  Trum needs to be president, because he said he would close the mosques and we need to outlaw Islam as well, these devil worshippers are nothing but evil and there are people who want them here in America!!!

Copyright © 2011 [JAMES THOMAS FRIDAS]. All Rights Reserved



I saw the post below after the murder at the recent shooting of innocent people that the media loves to isolate as though only white people murder others I am glad I am not white, I am caucasian so to those who hate whites well I am not your target!!!  lol!!!

Now the article I post below was an eye opener for those who want to see real racism and its from those wonderful folks at the slime stream media!!  Check it out and get a lesson in reality from these wonderful scumbags!!!

Oct 4, 2015
I've said this before; The majority of the last few shooters were of mixed race, but the media Identified them as White.

Eliot Rogers: Mixed race Asian Mother (D)emocrat.
Seung-Hui Cho: Asian (not described as White) (D)emocrat
Jeff Weise: Mixed race (Hispanic - Or American Indian) Described as White.
Nidal Malik Hasan: Palestinian Anchor Baby. (Described as White American) (D)emocrat.
 James Eagan Holmes: White, but an avid Obama supporter, and (D)emocrat.
Vester Lee Flanagan.  Gay, Mixed race. (D)emocrat, Avid obama supporter. Kills White Straight Christians.

The list goes on. The metrics are forming. It's the Democrats, The leftists, The Mixed races that kill vastly more so than Straight, White Christian males.

Notice how they are all Democrats?   As for Hillary Clinton she should be in an Orange jump suit for her part in violating federal law!!

If you look at all the state and federal prisons who do you think are the majority inmates Democrats or Republicans???  Think hard!!!  If you said Democrats then go to the head of the class!

Sunday, October 4, 2015



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If you support this crap you are sick, well if you support Islam you support pedophilia!!!  That is what Islam does they rape babies, they even as much as murder babies, they blew up a two year old and thought it was funny!!

So you support Islam you are the enemy of the constitution because they want to destroy the constitution and replace it with Sharia Law which allows them to murder babies rape babies and kill without penalty, its called honor killing!  Sounds like they are the Mafia! 

In addition the Koran known to those who support moral law is the Book of Evil, and all the evil acts in the Koran include sex slavery, animal bestiality, murdering Christians and Jews, so you support Islam you are a traitor to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as there is nothing in the Constitution that requires Americans to grant the enemy of the Constitution the right to destroy it!!!

To subordinate the Constitution to any foreign law is treason!!!  There are numerous Marxists in America who want that to happen because they are enemies of America they hate the constitution and the Bill of Rights and they hate your freedom and our Pledge of Allegiance and our military they are traitors!!!

Copyright © 2013 [JAMES THOMAS FRIDAS]. All Rights Reserved