Wednesday, July 22, 2015



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Now Rupert Murdock has chimed in on the uproar between the senile McCain and Donald Trump who will be the candidate for the Republican party so get over it you losers known as RINO's!  For the curious who do not know the meaning of RINO it stands for Republican In Name Only, as in they smell like Democrats in the Republican party.

Now you may be asking yourself why would any person be a Democrat and belong to the Republican party, its a long history of fraud by what are known as Blue Bloods, not to be confused with the television drama.

These people actually think they are royalty, now are you getting the picture, the most ardent of these blue bloods was the late John D Rockefeller!!!  Who orchestrated the down fall of Richard Nixon, which will come out in about 50 years as these things generally are hidden from the public like the JFK assassination that said it would all be released in 50 years so we would not hang LBJ and J  Edgar Hoover and the criminals behind the assassination!

As for Murdock he has a bunch of people attempting to stop him if you recall Fox News was supportive of Trump all of a sudden they are back peddling, and I think that the news media in general is scarred to death of Trump, lets face it he does not take prisoners i.e. McCain included!!!!

From now on we will refer to this disingenuous convoluted Senator as the retard from Arizona!!  More veterans like myself are fed up with the likes of phony veterans like McCain and those phony Republican RINO's!

While the Democrats are thinking that they are going to win because the Hispanic vote will carry the day, forget idiots, the black voters in America are outraged by Hillary's comments about the blacks and they are not happy with her, enter Donald Trump a man of courage and conviction!!!

He does not back down, the RINO's want to rumble hey make my day lets rumble!!!! *********************************************************************************
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