Sunday, May 15, 2016



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Its time for Americans to wake up to the fact that Hillary is the enemy of our constitution, our bill of rights, our veterans and seniors alike!!! So if you are thinking of voting for her because you are a Democrat as she claims to be, remember this she is the person responsible for the deaths of Ambassador Stevens and the Americans who fought to protect our Embassy and she knew it was happening and lied to all of us about some damn film maker that was a lie!!!    

Now ask  yourself why the rioters attacked Trump rallies if these left wing parasites spoke the truth that Trump was a racist, hate mongering bigot why did they attack like evil people that they are!!!  Because they are the antagonist anarchists who support tiereny!!!

 I read this on conservative Tribune and it made me angry at the treatment our veterans are receiving because of this disgusting Muslim in our White House that the left keeps saying is a Christian from Hawaii!  When will you disgusting lying bastards stop lying about this Manchurian candidate you have placed in our White House?  you are nothing but traitors and now you socialist rejects want to bring more of these heathens to America!  So please read the following and find out how disgusting the zero in our White House is!!!

from the Conservative Tribune:

A wounded warrior and 21-year veteran of the U.S. Army just found himself a new ally in his struggle to get proper care and treatment from the Department of Veterans Affairs: GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.
Trump met the 101st Airborne vet and his wife, Todd and April, Tuesday evening at a Sioux City, Iowa, campaign event.

When The Donald noticed that the man was in a wheelchair, he left the podium behind and walked into the crowd to meet Todd and April face to face and hear their story.
He wasn’t happy with what he heard.
“With the current administration, warrior care is lacking to say the least, and especially post-service,” Todd explained. “What else will the Trump administration do better than the Obama administration?”

“Is the VA not doing the job?” Trump asked — a rhetorical question if I’ve ever heard one.
April, who serves as her husband’s full-time caregiver, explained that she couldn’t even get an appointment to enroll in a new VA program that was supposed to meet their needs.
“I am going to put pressure on the VA like you won’t believe,” Trump said after asking the couple to write down their contact information. “Let’s see if we can get this.”

“As president, I can guarantee it,” he added. “As Trump, I can say, ‘I’ll probably be able to pull it off anyway.’ Because they know it won’t stop. It’ll be easier to take Todd and just say ‘Look, Todd, we’re gonna work with you.'”
Just imagine the same situation with Hillary Clinton, who recently denied that the VA’s problems were “widespread.”
I can’t even try to imagine it with President Barack Obama. The idea of his actually leaving his podium to speak to an American warrior in the crowd is more than my brain can picture.

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