Sunday, August 9, 2015


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So the Red State has decided to not invite the Don because of political correctness, which is fine with the Don because he is climbing higher in the polls that his opponents who have not said anything about it, when he has a chance they will regret the fact that they did not state an objection, so I want to ask all the so called candidates can you say President Trump?

Have you been paying attention to all the slander and assaults on Donald Trump?  Now they are saying things he did not say as usual, they are desperate to keep him out of the White House, do you know why???  Short answer they are  on the take!!  Bribery runs America and the politicians are for sale

The first loser to assail the Don was the head honcho of Fox, Rupert Murdock, and then there is the host of the next debate for conservatives they uninvited him, meaning there will be no real conservative at the debate!!!  Actually it is a meeting of the Republican candidates and the organization in the Red State Debate is scheduled for next week and they told Trump he would not be invited.

How lame they have become,  he is still the front runner and by telling him he was not invited his ratings went up a couple of points!!!   The small minds are still not getting the message you are not loved by the base, and that will show over the next few weeks as the bottom layer of small minds drop out of the race due to lack of funds.

Right now they are all pretending they are the next president what a joke they are, and I want to make sure you understand that the emphasis is on "JOKE"!!!  The fact is they are all on the take if they lose their election and want to be lobbyists they get 5 million dollars annually for that gig!!! Now do you see the Forrest for the trees?  They are corrupt as hell and they are upset that an outsider is  upsetting their apple cart!!!
As for the Don he is upsetting the apple cart because they receive millions annually in what are referred to as PAC funds!!   The Don on the other hand is not for sale, now do you see why we need the Don in the White House, my only fear is that the evil bastards that buy and sell politicians like produce will want him dead!!!  So I will ask all real Christians to pray for the answer and pray for the best!!!

As for the Democrats they are for sale just like the RINO's, do you think Hillary is immune to bribery from her money men?  Think again she is earning over 200 million annually sound like she is on your side!?  To be honest I am not sure the Don will be there at the end of the line when they vote for the candidate that will represent the Republican party!  I will hope he will be as I am more inclined to vote for him than any RINO as for the Isamacrats, AKA Democrats they are a lost group of people trying to shape shift America to a state of Islam!!!
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