Friday, September 18, 2015


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Is she out of her mind?  There have been many women in politics and Hillary the hag is not an accomplished diplomat she is a Charlatan!!!
Trump was right!  Would you want that face in your face as President for America??  I do not think I do so she should go home she brings absolutely nothing to the table!!!

Fiorina was fired from Hewlett Packard, do you know why?  Well if she cannot run a company without political intrigue why do you think she is any better than Hillary the Hag to be president?

Neither is qualified to be the president of the United States, why are so many people intrigued by Trump.   He speaks truth to the face and some people are offended, hope they have plenty of crying towels!  I keep hearing how he will not be the nominee of the Republican party!

Do these genius' listen to themselves speak or are they totally dumbstruck and to stupid to realize that the base and the American people are fed up with the establishment types!!!  Enter the anti Establishment Trump, we Americans like calling him the Don, almost reminiscent of the MAFIA, ey da Don isa here!!!  Kapish!!! 

Actually I think it is amusing that there are some people who are called strategists who have not figured out why the American people are supporting the Don,  I think that the so called strategists are more like propaganda ministers to feed bull crap to the party faithful and keep them in line with what the establishment wants and not what we want!!!

So they keep feeding the base a lot of manure and think we do not smell the crap they are feeding us, well folks at the establishment the F#n party i over with and now you want to spend 1 million dollars to attack the Don!!!  I hope you enjoy spending money you will not receive in the future, look at Perry they stopped giving him money and Graham is almost through!!!

Next I think Jindal, and a few others I will call to your attention in the next few weeks as the party continues to roll along the highway of despair for the elites who are not so bright!!!

The fact is that according to polls like Gallup and CNN MSNBC and others as well the Latinos are not all against Trump there are numerous Latinos supporting Trump that the media is not telling America about, now for the shocker 25% of blacks are supporting Trump!!

In fact there are these black ladies who have a website at and they are stirring up a hornets nest against MSNBC when they attacked the Don these sisters attacked MSNBC!

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