Tuesday, September 15, 2015


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There is a group of people I do not know who they are except they seem to be illegals who are calling for the New York Times to stop calling illegal aliens illegal, that would have to be of course your modern brain dead Socialists!

As for me I agree and I think they should call them Undocumented Criminals then we would have some justice when one of these fungal invaders murders an innocent American citizen like the lady who was murdered by the undocumented criminal in San Francisco who said the gun went off three times and he never touched the trigger!!  Yeah right and Santa Claus wears a Green Jump Suit!!

Murder how wonderful!  What?  Murder wonderful?  Well the way the anti death penalty people make it out as though there is no reason to have a death penalty because we can rehabilitate these poor creatures!  Are you out of your frickin mind??  Most likely you are if you believe that bull excrement!!

Another murder and Richard Kirk said he was smoking marijuana when he murdered his wife leaving his children at the mercy of the state!   He is just another drug user murderer, remember Newtown where a drug crazed killer murdered his mother then 22 children at school, yes he was on drugs to.

As far as I am concerned being on drugs is not a defense it is an excuse, it has a way of helping murderers do the dirty deed that they wanted to do except sober they did not have the courage, so he is guilty as hell!!!

Check your facts and find that a majority of murderers are on drugs so why are the gun freaks trying to take guns away from law abiding citizens?  The answer is so simple that many do not follow that the gun freaks are in need of sticking their nose in every bodies business because they are insecure in themselves and need to control others to have a sense of empowerment!

So next time you hear about a murder in your neck of the woods see if the perpetrator was on drugs of any kind, and of course the jaw bone for the defense will claim that the perpetrator is Innocent because he was on drugs actually they should be guilty for being on drugs and then take them out back and hang them!

Yes I am an avid supporter of the death penalty, so much in fact that I would love to bring back the gas chamber and stick ten murderers in the chamber at the same time, wholesale disposal of garbage!

Check all the murders that happened at schools from 1966 when the first whack job started murdering students at the University of Texas bell tower and each school shooting after that most were on drugs!

Now you may have seen or heard about the so called botched execution in Oklahoma the media was screaming foul!  Tough sh-t Sherlock!   He was a dirt bag murderer and he deserved what he got!  Where in hell do you think he is?  Playing golf with Satin?  He sure as hell isn't in heaven, if you think that he is then you must be a nut job, the bible or the word of god says where he is its hell for sure, unless you are one of those that do not believe in god then when you get there you can visit with him!

I really do not care what the bleeding heart morons of America say the death penalty detours murder it is proven fact so lets do away with any judge who says its cruel and unusual punishment because the fact is that puts society at risk of being murdered by these degenerate disgusting killers! 

So are you for murder?  If so then oppose the death penalty and watch the murder rate go up!! Who knows maybe a loved one of yours or maybe you will be his victim and some judge will let the scum bag off the death penalty, because you were not worth putting that scum bag on death row!! 
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