This is the worst thing RINO's can do to attack the leader, it happens in every election, the losers all jump on the leader, in this case it ain't working, like the man said get a job Jeb not this one!!!
Well Jeb Bush who supports common core, illegal immigration and a host of Democrat positions is definitely not a Republican, as for Lindsey the girly man Graham another case of stupid, then there is Rick Perry a pretend conservative who is another lost sole in the quagmire of RINO's in la la land!!
Then there is Rubio, so in essence we could say there are four stooges, however give it time more and more RINO's could jump off the cliff to total and complete annihilation!!!! Why is it when stupid people start proving they are stupid they continue to take their stupid pills!!!!
The liberal media is totally on fire with how they can derail Trump from the election because he scares the hell out of them and their attempts to continue illegal immigration. If your grandparents or great grandparents or great great and so on waited in line then they can do the same as well and to hell with anyone who wants to change the rules in the middle of the whole thing!!
So Trump has stuck to his guns and is firing back this scares the RINO's even more because he ain't playing there game, or by their rules, he is making the rules and that also scares the hell out of these buffoons!!! The more they clamor for him to apologize and the more they cry foul the more he says stick it in your left ear and pull it out of your right!!!!!
If Trump pulls out of the race like some media pundits claim it will be a shock and surprise to the entire nation and that would be very very bad for Trump, he would not survive and forget his television shows no one would watch, and that is why I think he is in it to win it!!
With the polls showing Trump far ahead of the RINO's it is the Republican faithful who are disgusted with the RINO's especially like Jeb Bush, how in the hell did he get any support from real Republicans? I believe the polls showing him near rump are rigged and that Jeb does not have the support they claim he has! Why? Because I have been reading a lot of comments on the bulletin boards and support for Trump is not wavering at all, it is just getting stronger!!!
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