AMERICANS ANGRY article by: James Thomas Fridas
Trump has the nerve to talk about illegal aliens in America and the city of San Francisco board of stupidvisors are being rude and nasty to Fox news people calling them not news people, and one ugly nasty stupidvisor got real nasty using the F bomb and this of course shows how intelligent these stupidvisors are! Well I have news for you you ignoramuses they are and you people need psychiatric diagnosis!!!
I refer to the city supervisors as STUPIDVISORS spelled this way intentionally because they are so damn stupid its almost enough to make a person wonder how can the people of San Francisco elect such vicarious intellectually inferior people to represent them!
The media is covering up the fact that illegals are bringing deceases into America that could kill millions of people, these deceases are known by the Obama administration, they have been exposed on the Dr Savage show.
He has a Doctorate in deceases so he knows what he is talking about, yet the buffoons who are supporting all these illegal aliens are calling those who stopped the bus in Southern California racists, again with the little boy who cried wolf mentality!
The fact of the matter is that there are laws and the people who want these illegal aliens in the U.S. are law breakers who could care less what the Constitution says so they attack them with lies and slander by calling them racists.
Hows this for a counter to these ignorant jackals, they are traitors who support these law breakers, therefore they are a lawless group of traitors!!! In other words these traitors have no intelligent response to the lawlessness that they support thus the name calling!
So if you want to call someone a name then you need to remember that a coin has two sides, you call them names they call you names! So you coined the useless phrase on side 1 as racists and I coined side 2 as traitors!!!
More people oppose illegal aliens and the Congress knows it that is why the Republicans under Bonhner have proposed waiting until after the elections to make sure the blue blood Republicans get re-elected so they can attempt to pass immigration reform which means to open the door and let a flood of illegals become legal and increase the 360 billion annually to illegals while seniors get the shaft and homeless Americans get run over and shoved into the garbage!!
I hope some of you who read this will pass it on to your friends and family and let your congress critter know this is out of control!!!
Copyright © 2013 [JAMES THOMAS FRIDAS]. All Rights Reserved.
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