Is Trump through after his battle with McCain? McCain demands that he apologize to us Veterans, as a veteran I was stunned, why? Because I have never considered McCain one of us, he is anything but a hero and he definitely is no Republican.
Have you been paying attention to all the uproar from the RINO's of America? Lindsey Graham is a Rino of the first order and he thinks supporting McCain who started this is making Trump the bad guy, shows why stinking RINO's haven't got a clue what is right and what is wrong, and they are always wrong!!!!
Then you have Rick Perry who also jumped on Trump and thinks he is enduring himself to the American people no way Perry, get a brain!!! While your at it get a job we do not want RINO's and that lets you and Lindsey the girly man of the Republican party out!!!!
My best estimate is that in a week you will see more of these RINO's have their ratings slip even farther than they have attacking Trump and they will more than likely stick around like a bunch of drunks at a gathering of drunks because they have nothing better to do than make asses out of themselves attacking a person who the party faithful fell is a sell out by the RINO's on immigration!!!
This all started by that POS McCain he is a rude crude bad ass dude with a bad attitude, ask anyone who has ever had to deal with him, a man has a restaurant and he replied on one of the posts that McCain came into his restaurant and cooped an attitude a mile wide rude as could be thinking his fecal matter don't smell! he is a crotchety nasty old rotten turd!!
As a veteran McCain embarrasses me to no end, he is not representative of the veterans I served with, he is a rich rich rich millionaire at our expense like we need this crotchety old fart hanging around on our dime, as a veteran I have not seen him do a damn thing for me an my companions at the VA or the VFW, so stop idolizing this fraud!!!
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