So the nation is working on who will be the best candidate for the job as president, I hope you read the article I posted about Trump using his airplane to save a child's life, you more than likely never will read this in the media.
The evils of Islam are real, they are not a great people, race or nation, Islam is an evil force that does not have anything that it can point to as a benefit for the entire world! All they do is lie and then lie again to try and convince you that they are good!
Are people really that stupid? You bet they are they are called Islam apologists and the media is full of them, so are the politicians like Carly Forina the candidate who thinks because she was the president at HP she is qualified to be the nations president, NOT!!!!
Then there is Lindsey Graham another loser who wants to ass a law that makes it illegal to criticize Islam!! Really how intelligent is that? How about passing a law that makes it illegal to criticize Christianity? Oh that would be in violation of the (MYTHICAL) separation of church and state!!
Back to Carly, she is not worthy of being president any more than Lindsey is, he is just a little person with a little mind!!! So with these two there seems to be a missing ingredient that comprises a president that would be smarts, we already have one in the White House who has not yet visited all 57 states according to him, I wonder if anyone near him has told him there are only
50 states!!!
Now the media is attacking our veterans and I wonder how disgusted these RINO's will be if at all!?? In addition the liberals are defending Islam along with the RINO's which by the way anyone who does defend Islam is an enemy of the nation, the constitution, the bill of rights and all veterans who defended their worthless asses!!!
Copyright © 2013 [JAMES THOMAS FRIDAS]. All Rights Reserved
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