Monday, August 31, 2015


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Something is wrong in lala land!  Well now the GOP wants the Don to sign an agreement to be a GOP candidate and support the winner of the party who will represent the GOP in November 2016 will the other candidates sign the same agreement when the Don is the candidate?  I do not see anyone topping him by the time the Republican convention takes place!!  He said he would sign now how about the losers!!!??

Well he did sign the agreement but it works two ways so did the other establishment types think about that when they  signed the agreement?  They are going to be hard pressed to prove they are not on the Trumps side if they lose and they will I am predicting Trump for president and he will pick Cruz for VP, place your bets ladies and germs!!!

So now the GOP is planning on attacking Trump with new ads and even Bush has decided to attack Trump with new ads that are of course a waste of time and money, why?  Because he is not telling you what he is for, we do know he is for common core which is garbage, he si for letting criminal illegal aliens into America without regard for immigration laws like the zero in our White House! 

The desperation is going through the roof in the GOP, everyone is proving how stupid they can be, first there are the GOP RINO's attacking Trump and now they say they will spend 10 million dollars to destroy him after Labor day!!!  Good luck with that!!! lol!!!
Now the so called GOP top strategists are coming out saying Trump will not be the nominee! Alex Costellanos and Charlie Black I mention their names here so we can have a good laugh at them later and especially criticize them in person!!!

Now Lyndsey Graham says he will kick the crap out of the Don  in South Carolina!! Really ?  The Don will Trump you because the American people and the base of the Republican party see you are an establishment partisan traitor to the people so no Lindsey he will kick your ass big time!!!

Really?  You believe your non-sense?  Who in your small minded little world do you think is going to rise to the top like a true member of the party?  One that the party can back to the hilt!  I bet you can't name just one!  if the idea is that Trump will not be the nominee in their opinion it is not much of an opinion because they are not hedging their bets or ignorance with who will rise to the top!

Jeb Bush?  Give me a break he is as liberal as Hilary the Hag and we do not want him or did you not get the message from headquarters!!!???   Next there is Bland Rand who voted for the Dark Act, yeah like the party will want this loser!!!

Come  on now you top strategists give us a name so we in the party can have a real good laugh or don't you have a crystal ball showing who will be the nominee?  Let me give you a clue dis Trump all you want now I ask you can you say President Trump!!!  

Bottom line you dimwits who call yourself GOP strategists Stuff it where the sun don't shine!! If you need a map there are millions of us who can draw one for you!!!  What ever you do stay away from webesisters.comv(WE BE SISTERS. COM) unless you want the sisters to kick your royal red rump!!!

You see we who do the voting see what is happening after being thoroughly dissed by the establishment with RINO's you come to us telling us how to vote, who to vote for and we are suppose to think you the all wise all knowing intelligent life force of the universe, if that were true Mitt Romney would have been president!  As it stands you have given us losers after  losers one right after another and we are fed up with your incompetence, we have spoken and unless you can pull a make out of the hat we support I ask again can you say President Trump??

I think you should check with the base of the party before you go around making absolute jackasses of yourselves!  We see what the media is doing they are desperate to get Jeb Bush to run against Hillary the Hag because they know that the conservatives will not support Bush just like they did not support John McPain spelled incorrectly on purpose!! 

The media and the pundits are desperate as hell to see him fall, guess what he had a get together at Alabama and over 20 thousand people showed up, which candidate running as a Republican AKA RINO can garner that big an audience!!  Well are you speechless now GOP!!!  Then there is the so called GOP Chairman who will not be the chairman after the Don is the new GOP candidate and of course president!!!!

Now the useless worthless establishment members of the party are attacking and planning new attacks on front runner the Don, they have yet to figure out that every time they attack him he rises in the polls, if this continues then the people who fund the campaigns will stop giving them money as a couple of the so called establishment types are now seeing the money dry up, and it will continue until the Don is all by his lonesome!
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