Did you read the article by two GOP strategists that Trump will not be the nominee? Why did they not stick their necks out tell us who would be the nominee? Seems very suspicious that they would condemn him without an explanation as to why he would not be except for a lot of ballyhoo about why not!!
Well the RINO's are steaming mad, they attack the Don and he keeps climbing in the polls! Why? They just cannot figure out why, so now the bunch of RINO's have decided to create an attack of mega proportions spending 10 million dollars in attack adds after Labor Day!!! lol!!!
What they have not figured out is that every time they attack him his poll numbers go up and up and I think you get the picture or maybe not!! So personally I cannot wait for them to strike! Senator Cruz and Ben Carson are two who did not attack Trump and they are climbing in the polls.
When they all threw their hats in the ring Jeb Bush was number 2 behind Trump, after all the attacks he fell to fourth Ben Carson moved to second and Cruz moved to third, so lets see how far they fall after they make their truly egregious move after Labor Day!
Next we need to analyze who will be the first to announce they are leaving the race and throwing their support to the other losers!!! ien I will make a list of candidates who I believe will be out in a few months because backers will stop backing them!!
OK lets see who would be a presidential contender?? Kevin Bauer? Jim Gilmore? Micheal Bickelmeyer? Bob Ehrlich? Peter King? Rick Snyder? Jim Hayden? Micheal Peyto? Brian Russell?? OK get serious now, who is your favorite candidate for president? OK, so these people think they are presidential contenders, I think they are a joke!
When these drop out I want you to notice who they throw their worthless support to and see if they are part of the problem or part of the solution!!! If they throw their support to the Don they are part of the solution and if not they are part of the problem, watch closely and see if you see what I see!
Of course there are those running who are in two races like Bland Rand Paul who is running for president and senate, how convenient is that? If he was so sure of himself why not run strictly as a presidential candidate? Because he must know he will be at the Trump coronation is January 2017 if he is to survive!
The of course there are the might minions on mental mediocrity such as Chris Christie, Bobby Jindahl, Lindsey Graham, Rick Perry, Mike Hucabee, Kasich, Carly Fiorina, Scott Walker, now be honest, which one do you think should be called president? None, my thoughts also!
That leaves the rest of the pack of which I see Dr Ben Carson and Senator Cruz making it all the way to the convention as candidates, and Jeb Bush, Senator Rand, Senator Rubio and Rick Santorum as flies bugging the party with their RINO smell!! If they stay in it will be a nu sense
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